Who are you?

I am Saanya and I detest bios. Especially the new-age ones that are just a string of empty descriptors. Dreamer. Wanderer. Believer…you get the drift.

So till I find a less pretentious way of listing my several career changes, hyphenated identities and impulsively acquired hobbies, I have decided to go bio-free. (Which sounds a lot like the hand sanitizer brand. Completely unintentional. But while we’re there, I hope you are still sanitizing. Or hand-washing. Or retaining your COVID-19 hygiene habits).

What is Half-Baked Musings?

If it wasn’t already clear, I am a seasoned rambler (maybe that should be on my bio). My first outlet for ranting (other than family and friends) was my blog, which I started back in 2010, incidentally, just a month before Instagram launched, when the blogosphere was still synonymous with actual writing and filters only existed in Photoshop. Or coffee makers. Which they still do btw, unless you’ve joined the Nespresso cult. That’s another thing I could rant about. See what I mean?

Why am I still reading this?

Considering I have spent two paragraphs telling you nothing about myself or my newsletter, I am not sure. But in a way, that’s all you really need to know. This newsletter, after all, is a celebration of the mindless and mundane. It’s an endeavour to connect the things I read, be it books or people’s stories (I am a college counselor so I hear a lot of them), to my own experiences and memories. It’s an attempt to tease out those little thoughts that we often neglect or dismiss at the back of our minds and make sense of them here. The hope is that you will relate to some, pick heated fights when you disagree and reflect on the rest.

Why do you take so long to get to the point?

I am working on it, I promise! But if you are interested in some of my pithier musings, do follow my Twitter, Instagram and my Bookstagram accounts.

Subscribe to Half-baked Musings

A (mostly) weekly compilation of me observing my world and musing about its mundane problems


Trying to find a less douchey way of listing my self-proclaimed passions, career changes and hyphenated identities...and attempting to make sense of them here.